Lawn Care and Garden Advice

How to Grow a Wildflower Meadow

How to Grow a Wildflower Meadow

28th February 2023
What is a wildflower meadow?Unlike beds and borders, a meadow is an area of permanent grass where, with some care and attention, wildflowers are allowed to blossom and bloom. This might be across a large paddock or green, amongst trees or other shaded areas, along banksides, or even in a…

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Turf Desk Top Tips - Leatherjackets

Turf Desk Top Tips - Leatherjackets

21st February 2023
Weather dependant, leatherjackets could start making an impact on your lawn as early as February. Warmer weather makes these grass greedy grubs hungry, so they'll work their way closer to the surface to feed on your lawn. Unfortunately, they're not so keen on weeds, only the roots of your grass.…

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Why Do You Need Compost?

Why Do You Need Compost?

9th February 2023
What is compost?In short, compost is recycled organic matter, such as garden or food waste, that is broken down over time to create a nutrient rich material that fertilises and adds value to soil.Our NEW All Purpose Compost is great for pottingWhat is the difference between soil, compost and mulch?Soil…

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