As the weather changes and we move into Autumn we need to be thinking about our wildflower meadow.

Now is the time for its essential cut. (From mid-September to early October).

How to:

1. Cut the wildflower back using a hedge trimmer, strimmer, or mower to 2-5cm height.

2. Clear all the cuttings from the area by hand or with a rake to provide sunlight access. This also ensures cuttings don't decay into the soil, adding unwanted fertilisation.

3. It's best to complete the job on a dry day as it is much easier to clear dry cuttings.

4. If you have a larger area consider cutting the meadow in stages to protect wildlife.

The wildflower should start to regrow once the cut is completed. This will allow it to green up before the winter months.

In the spring the flowers and grasses will be all set to repeat their perennial cycle.

Hopefully working to these guidelines you should have a meadow that is healthy vibrant and diverse year after year.