Lawn Care and Garden Advice

Why Do You Need A High Nitrogen Fertiliser?
1st May 2024
For healthy lawns and plants, fertiliser is an important addition, especially during spring growth - but what are fertilisers made of?All fertilisers (or fertilizers) come with with an NPK ratio (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) which tells you how much of each of these important nutrients are present in the feed.Nitrogen…

Which Fertiliser Do You Need?
19th February 2024
It can be a little overwhelming when looking for the best fertiliser (or fertilizer) for the job at hand. But never fear, Sherborne Turf can help you work it out.The best all-rounder:If you’d like a multi-purpose fertiliser to do several different jobs, then our Stripy Green Fertiliser is perfect. Specifically…

Turf Desk Top Tips - Leatherjackets
21st February 2023
Weather dependant, leatherjackets could start making an impact on your lawn as early as February. Warmer weather makes these grass greedy grubs hungry, so they'll work their way closer to the surface to feed on your lawn. Unfortunately, they're not so keen on weeds, only the roots of your grass.…

How to Stop Slugs and Snails: Keep Your Plants Safe and Wildlife Happy
2nd August 2022
Slugs or snails eating your favourite plants? If, like us, you want to remove the pests from your veg without causing any harm to wildlife, the options can seem limited – save spending your evenings hunting down those slimy pests and physically moving them away (which we’ve done).At Sherborne Turf…

9 Top Tips to Save Money in your Garden in Hot Weather
14th July 2022
As we head deeper into summer and we find ourselves potentially facing more heatwaves, keeping your garden well-watered can be a concern when also faced with rising costs in all areas of our lives. But it is possible to save money and keep your garden looking good.Don’t lay turf. As…

Your Lawn and Garden in July
1st July 2022
Lawn care in JulyJuly is often one of the warmer months of the year and, as such, will mean your garden and your lawn will be growing quickly. With this in mind, if you would like a well-maintained sward of green grass, it is important to continue to cut your…

Top 7 reasons to use bark and bark mulch in your garden this summer:
23rd June 2022
Top 7 reasons to use bark and bark mulch in your garden this summer:It saves you money. By protecting your plants, it will require less watering - saving you money on your water bill!*It helps to protect your plants from the heat of the summer sun. By putting bark around…

ZEBA Water Retaining Granules
1st May 2022
Save Water, Time and MoneyWith the current energy crisis and rise in the cost of household bills, combined with the recent dry spell, it might feel like a difficult task to ensure our gardens are kept watered and healthy. Our gardens can need a surprising amount of water to keep…

New Refill Bags at Sherborne Turf
12th August 2021
We are always looking for ways to both help our customers and the environment here at Sherborne Turf, so we're thrilled to announce our new Refill Bags. We're determined to minimise our use of plastic within both the production and distribution of our products and have decided to use reusable…

Brilliant Uses For Aggregates In Your Garden
24th June 2021
Aggregates are not just a pretty face. With the recent changeable weather, they can be a huge help in your garden, dealing with issues such as excess water by improving drainage, as well as aiding your garden to deal with drought. This surprisingly versatile material can be a fun, and…