Lawn Care and Garden Advice

Turf Desk Top Tips - Leatherjackets
21st February 2023
Weather dependant, leatherjackets could start making an impact on your lawn as early as February. Warmer weather makes these grass greedy grubs hungry, so they'll work their way closer to the surface to feed on your lawn. Unfortunately, they're not so keen on weeds, only the roots of your grass.…

How to Stop Slugs and Snails: Keep Your Plants Safe and Wildlife Happy
2nd August 2022
Slugs or snails eating your favourite plants? If, like us, you want to remove the pests from your veg without causing any harm to wildlife, the options can seem limited – save spending your evenings hunting down those slimy pests and physically moving them away (which we’ve done).At Sherborne Turf…

Your Turf Calendar from Sherborne Turf – December
7th December 2021
Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be too much to do throughout the colder, darker months of the year, but there are still a few things to keep an eye out for in order to keep your lawn in the best condition and ready for the spring.Mowing and General MaintenanceIf the weather…

Garden Pests - Leatherjackets
1st September 2021
Over recent years the winters have become gradually warmer and wetter, with only one small cold snap, usually at the beginning of spring rather than throughout the winter months like in times gone by. This change, along with the reduction of licensed chemical control, has seen an increase in garden…

Your Turf Calendar from Sherborne Turf - June
15th June 2021
Your Turf in JuneTo do list includes:Weed ControlRegular MowingWateringFertilisingDealing with Pests and diseasesIt’s important that, while you’re out in you garden (hopefully) enjoying the lovely June sunshine, you still maintain your lawn in order to keep it looking a lovely, healthy green. This month, it will need to be mowed…

Red Thread
15th June 2021
Red ThreadRed Thread is a lawn fungus that commonly occurs twice a year: May/June and again in August/September. This type of fungus is caused by humid conditions and is much more common than you might think. Most lawns are likely to have experienced it at some point every year, possibly…